Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our most commonly asked questions!

If you still have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

+ What is the application process like?

+ Who can attend SoM?

+ What programs can I/my child take?

Senoir Musical Discovery (SMD):

This is a great program to grow your confidence on an instrument. In a small group, learn music fundamentals on the instrument(s) of your choice, including piano, guitar, percussions/drums, singing, songwriting and more.

Special Interest Programs:

Learn a new type of music-making with our creative and innovative musical mentors. Groups include Electronic Music, Turntablism, Latin Percussion and Samba Afro Drum Troupe, Musical Theatre, Senior Singing, Songwriting and more

Senior Ensembles:

Play in a band! For those with confidence and experience on at least one instrument who want to grow their skills in a mixed-instrument group.

For more information, check out our programming page.

+ When are your programs offered?

Our programs run during the school year, from September to June. Most of our programs are one hour long and take place between 5:30 - 7:30 pm. There are mulitple program options available each day from Monday to Thursday.

+ How many classes can I sign up for?

You can sign up for one small group class to start. If you'd like to attend two sessions a week, try adding one of the larger groups like Samba Afro, Marimba, Singing or Musical Theatre!

+ Do you offer private lessons?

We do have limited private lesson spots, which we offer to students based on need, interest and commitment. The way to show you're interested in more opportunities like private lessons, is by coming to your group program and atending the majoirty of your classes. Feel free to ask your teacher for more information.